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Pohnpei Port Development – Federated States of Micronesia

Pohnpei Port Development – Federated States of Micronesia

March 2023 saw a three-person team from DML deploy to the island of Pohnpei within the Federated States of Micronesia. The team was there to undertake a hydrographic survey for Tonkin and Taylor. The survey is just one component of a project for the development of the port.

As with most of our projects abroad, the biggest hurdles encountered were the logistics of flights, obtaining a survey boat and travelling with survey equipment. In this case our vessel was provided by Pohnpei Surf and Dive Club who were fantastic to deal with and had extensive local knowledge. Once at the destination the surveys themselves are usually straight forward. In this case we were able to provide our clients with draft deliverables before we left site so that they could progress other aspects of the work.

The survey team were treated to beautiful scenery and fine conditions of between 28 – 30°C air and water temp throughout the entire survey! With 7m of rain annually it rains nearly every day but you can guarantee on being steam dried within 15-20 minutes.