LINZHydrographySurveyHydrographicBanks PeninsulaEducationHydrographic surveyUniversity of OtagoAHSCPCertificationHydrographic surveyorScholarshipScienceStudyAustralasian Hydrographic Surveyors CertificationBluffCPHS1DoCECANGisborne District CouncilIHOJimmy van der pauwMount maunganui collegeNautical chartPortsSafetySeaworksStaffStewart IslandStudentSurvey schoolTaranakiTrainingTRANQUIL IMAGEWestern Work Boats#aucklandharbourbridge#bathymetric surveys in remote locations#bestcareerever#declanstubbing#HIPP#hydroscheme#Industryandgovermentworkingtogether#mapping the seabed#mappingthegaps#mobilelaserscanningfromavessel#peoplematter#promotion#publicprivatepartnership#surveynews#talentedpeople#transtasmanpartners#worldhydrographyday2023 Mount Everest ChallengeA career in HydrographyAustralasian Hydrographic Society New Zealand RegiAustraliaAwardBack scatterBen hubbardBill dayBruce WallenCAT ACharityCoastalCoastal engineeringCollaborationCommunityComplianceCongratulationsRyanCPHS Level 1 or 2CPHS2CPHSL2CycloneDeclan stubbingDeerDevelopment in the Bay of PlentyDMLDMLScholarshipDolphinsEmergencyFederated States of MicronesiaFeesFieldworkFire fightingFSMFutureLeadersGabrielleGeospatialGeospatial CouncilGisborneGreg coxHSEHydrographic Survey in SamoaHydrographic surveying on a jet skiHydrographic surveyorsHYPLANJasmin McVeighKate downesKevin smithLand Information New ZealandLaser scanning super structuresLife jacketsLive for MoreMan over boardMarineMauaoMount MaunganuiMulitbeamMultibeamNapierNautical chartingNew PlymouhtNew ZealandNew Zealand Certificate in Hydrographic SurveyingNorthportOIOpen DayPacificPlay hardPohnpeiPohnpei surf and Dive ClubRelaxationRemote vessel survey New ZealandRescureRetirementRiver surveysRNZNSafety of navigationSally coxSand wavesScholarshipAwardSchoolsSea SurveyorSinglebeamSpatial Hydrography Award 2022StudentsSurvey and spatialSurvey requestSurveyingSurveying a shallow pondSurveying sediment pondSurveyorSurvivalTatai Aho Rau LEARNZTeachersTeamTonkin & TaylorVirtual Field TripWater columnWet drillsWhite pointer sharkWomenWomen in HydrographyWork hardYouthYouthInScience

Women in Hydrography

Women in Hydrography

In January DML hosted the inaugural recipients of the DML, OI and LINZ co-sponsored Women in Hydrography experience. Eliza McCracken from University of Canterbury and Sophie Clayton from University of Otago joined the DML team, getting a taste of what life is like at a Hydrographic Surveying company. Their experience included time onboard DML’s survey vessel TUPAIA undertaking surveys for the Port of Tauranga. DML thanks Eliza and Sophie for their enthusiasm and interest in the hydrographic surveying industry. For more information on Empowering Women in Hydrography see

DML were also sad to say goodbye to our summer intern Ella Westenberg in February.  Ella joined DML in November and quickly became part of the team getting involved on all aspects of life at DML.  Ella plans to use her experience with processing acoustic backscatter at DML to help her achieve Honours in Marine Science from the University of Otago in 2023.  For more information on the University of Otago’s Surveying and Science degrees check out.